Tag Archives: crochet

“Joy Dare”- Days 3 & 4


I missed yesterday because I was working on another post, but I figure if I do two days in one I’ll still have 1,000 joys at the end of a year of logging!

Day 3- 3 Things Paired

  1. I have a wonderful pair of Airwalk shoes that I’ve worn almost every day for the last 6 years. They aren’t made anymore by Airwalk, (despite my looking every year for a color besides my one red pair), so I always tell my dogs they better not go near them!
  2. I have an odd pair of doggies. I actually have three, but my mid-size Cocker Spaniel and my little black Chihuahua are best friends. Despite differences in looks, ages and temperaments, they are always protecting each other, cuddling, and grooming!  (And they are both girls.)
  3. I have a pair of lungs that really should not have made it this long, nor be in such great shape, for what they underwent in infancy. I’ve been complaining a lot lately about my breathing issues due to severe allergies, but really, it could be so much worse.

Day 4- 3 Things Shared

  1. I actually just shared [gave away] a 365-day devotional by Beth Moore to my taxi driver today who was struggling and wanted to make sure she always kept her faith. I’m not sure how it happened–since I used to be an atheist–but I’ve become one of those people that strangers want to talk to about their issues of faith, even before they know I am religious or a lay minister.
  2. I am looking at the stack of tupperware containers that one of my dear friends makes and shares meals with me in.
  3. One of my other good friends wanted to share her love of crochet with me, so I am looking at a project I started two weeks–that, unfortunately, hasn’t made it past the “chain” stage!